Nanzhu Wushu 南烛乌树

乌饭树 编辑词条 乌饭树 又名南烛,古称染菽。属杜鹃花科常绿灌木。多分布于我国南方地区,因人们有每年阴历三月初三用其叶蒸乌饭食用而得名。喜光、耐旱、耐寒、耐瘠薄,适生范围较广,我国大部分地区均可种植。是不可多得的制作盆景、盆栽的优良素材。繁殖多以扦插和播种为主。 Black rice tree Wufanshu is also known as Nanzhu, or dyed Sunn in ancient times. It is an evergreen shrub of the Rhododendron family. Mostly distributed in southern China, it is named after people use its leaves to steam black rice on the third day of the third month of theContinue reading “Nanzhu Wushu 南烛乌树”

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